Exhibition from February 7 to April 7, 2024 at Fondaco dei Tedeschi, Venice – event space on the 4th floor
FREE ENTRY H. 10:00 am – 7:30 pm every day.
Curated by San Polo Art Gallery – Venice
From February 7 to April 7, 2024, Fondaco dei Tedeschi in Venice, in collaboration with San Polo Art Gallery, hosts the photographic installation THE RIVUS ALTUS CRONORAMA – IN 10 YEARS, from a photographic project by architect and photographer Max Farina, on the 4th floor.
The exhibition will continue at San Polo Art Gallery with the display of other works by the photographer.
60.557 fragments, over 500 hours of observation from 2013 to 2023, more than 16.000 people portrayed.
These are the numbers of the project that represents a true visual “attempt of exhaustion” of the most photographed, painted, and known Venetian panorama in the world: the view from the Rialto Bridge and the incessant flow of people who, in turn, observe it. In 10 years, the photographer recorded every change in the panorama, focusing on the individual fragmentation that makes up the landscape.
At Fondaco dei Tedeschi in Venice, the installation will be realized with 78 monitors, combining to form a multiplicity of images where the view is entrusted to variable and almost infinitely modifiable editing of the various separate pieces that compose a perfect and unstable, fascinating, and changing landscape: simultaneously night and day, dawn and sunset… We will witness a video installation with over 10,000 shots, similar to puzzles, where the images no longer capture a specific moment but become a perspective traced by the passage of time in becoming.
Six large-scale portraits of ordinary people, captured in black and white while pausing to admire the panorama from the famous sixteenth-century structure, will be exhibited on three walls of the event pavilion on the fourth floor. The location allows for a unique dialogue between the main subject (the panorama), the black and white shots of people observing it, and the panoramic terrace that offers an extraordinary view of the lagoon city and the same panorama.
In this research, Max Farina drew inspiration from the text of the French writer Georges Perec, “Tentative d’épuisement d’un lieu parisien” (Paris, 1975), in which the author explores a square in the City of Light from different points of view and at different times, noting every variation. In Rivus Altus, like Perec, Max Farina does not follow, investigate, or narrate. He lets the camera record what happens, even when nothing happens. He “shatters the stereotype of Venice” to propose a kind of “machine à voir” that invites us to see the Grand Canal as if through a magnifying glass scrutinizing its smallest details made of light and darkness, water and skies, buildings and boats, crowds, and silences…
Max Farina adopted a fragmented vision, creating a series of visual exhaustion photographic projects called Cronorama. For over ten years, through this unique practice and relentless visual surveillance, he observed cities while standing still in the same observation point. The Cronorama captures intricate details that often go unnoticed, revealing the hidden poetry in urban chaos. These time capsules preserve ever-evolving urban landscapes, offering a new perspective on the essence of each city. Time transforms this work into an organic, never-finished piece that continues to enrich itself. Max Farina creates works in progress, adding new photographs through new viewpoints and using new techniques; this is how he makes his work a constant work in progress. Max Farina is also developing the Cronorama project in New York with works from Times Square and Brooklyn, in his hometown Milan, photographing the cityscape from the Madonnina of the Duomo, in Paris, Los Angeles, and many other cities, always seeking new and iconic perspectives.
31 / 08 / 2023
Party in red alle ore 21.30 a San Polo Art Gallery con gli scatti di Ron Galella e il live di Gualtiero Grigato.
Dedicato Mostra del Cinema di Venezia con ingresso libero ma dress code in rosso il vernissage della capsule fotografica degli scatti iconici del famoso paparazzo dei divi di Hollywood Ron Galella.
Sono 5 ritratti di Robert Redford, Elvis Presley, Mick Jagger e John Lennon, Jacqueline Kennedy e Steve Mc Queen per gentile concessione di Alberto Damian Gallery. Saranno visibili durante tutto il periodo della 80° Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica di Venezia.
Il 31 agosto alle ore 21.45 si terrà un live dell’attore mantovano Gualtiero Ribelle Mario Grigato, che interpreta il ruolo del Mago dell’Aria nel film Il Giardino delle Fate, diretto dalla regista Isabelle Adriani, con premiere all’Hotel Exelsior al Lido il prossimo 8 settembre nell’ambito della 80° Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica alla Biennale di Venezia.

17 / 06 / 2023
Art Night Venezia